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There is growing worldwide concern about how the current exponential expansion of data processing in the cloud will contribute to global warming and climate change. Humanity faces an immediate challenge to reduce, rather than increase, its fossil fuel consumption. Can a way be found to make data processing carbon neutral? Helyos Digital is aiming to build solar-powered cloud data centres in parts of the world such as the Middle East with an abundance of natural sunlight. The data centres will run exclusively on renewable solar power, without deriving any energy from the burning of fossil fuels.

Helios Digital will provide a climate friendly solution to the huge increase in data processing taking place around the world due to industrial machine learning as well as other forms of data processing such as physics-based engineering simulations, generative AI and digital content creation, virtual reality and multi-player computer gaming.

It is also widely predicted that the growing demands being placed by data centres on national electricity grids will become unsustainable within the next few years. Our solar powered data centres will relieve existing electricity grids from this burden, enabling a sustainable expansion of data processing in the cloud over the years ahead.

The market for data processing in the cloud is projected to increase by 70% per annum to $400 billion by 2027 driven by the global explosion in industrial machine learning including other forms of data processing. As this exponential expansion continues, there will be a growing ethical impetus for industries to use our carbon neutral data centres. The founders of Helyos Digital bring world-leading expertise in relevant fields such as machine learning, data processing in the cloud, and renewable energy systems. We are also working with leading industry partners in the technical design of the solar powered data centres and connected solar power plants.

Helyos Digital aims to play a central enabling role in the current global revolution and expansion in industrial machine learning and other kinds of computational data processing in the cloud.


If you would like to hear more about our plans for building solar-powered data centres, please contact us:
